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Friday, July 2, 2010

Some Pages

        Here they are...two persons who are waiting for me to listen to them. I can't wait to listen to them too...but, you know that I'm the lazy one so I just keep it on my mind as a plan.
        I bought these books from fleamarkets. The first book is Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis De Bernieres. It's written in English. Now you can understand why I need more time to start reading it...I need to open the dictionary (my English is not quite good...;p) and it makes me reluctant to make a start :D...Anyway, once I watched the movie long time ago. My oldest sister, who is really like watching movie, rend it. As I remember, it's a love story in the war time. The woman (Penelope Cruz) really loved a man (Nicolas Cage) so she wanted to wait him to be back home from the war for many years...I think it was about 7 years!. The man was good at playing mandolin. Well, that's all the point that I remember about the movie. I hope, after reading the book, I can remember the details. Hmmm, do you see the book cover? I imagine that the woman is me...a woman who finally find her true love...so romantic.... :D
        The second one is The Nick Adams Stories. This one has been translated into Bahasa Indonesia. I don't know exactly what is the story inside it. I was interested in having this book because the author is the famous one. I'm curious how Mr. Ernest's way in writing his story. I hope I don't get bored when I read it later ;)
        Well, just wish me luck so I can make a start to read them..... :D

~ Dien ~
at 12.33 am
...so sleepy...


Anonymous said...

hayoo dibacaaaaa...
ga percaya ah kalo masih harus liat kamusss.. ga percayaaaaa.. hehehe

Anonymous said...

Diduuuunnn...aku udah baca captain corelli's mandolin (versi bahasa indonesia tentunya) looong time ago, rada lupa ceritanya...sedih, tapi ya gak terlalu sad ending. hehehe....selamat membaca :)

LisaDidien said...

Walah...kok bisa ga percaya nih Bu Juju'...masih pas2an banget bahasa inggris e...nih kan lg dalam rangka blajar,hehe...

Ok, Bu Juju', smoba saya bsa segera memulai ;)

LisaDidien said...

Diaaaan....makasih dah mampir kesini,hehe....

Aku baru liat film-nya, udah lama jg, jd ya dah lupa...ok2...sip...

Selamat bikin baju baru lagi ya, Diaan ;)

Anonymous said...

kalo males bacanya, kirim buat aku aja deh... :D


LisaDidien said...

Wuaah...walau malas, tp msh pingin liat sampulnya tiap hari,hahaha ;p