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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tempe and Mushroom

I'm not good at cooking...at least I've tried,hehehe..

So, in this weekend, I tried to make an easy recipe that I got from the internet. It's called Sambal Goreng Tempe (one of recipes that I got from internet few years ago) and Oseng-Oseng Jamur (took a look at Nana's).

This is Sambal Goreng Tempe:

This is the recipe of Oseng-Oseng Jamur (Stir Fried Mushroom):

Ingredients :
Button Mushroom (but I used the Oyster Mushroom ,hehehe), thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
Some onions :
3 cloves red onion (bawang merah), thinly sliced
1 bulb yellow onion (bawang bombay).sliced thin diagonally
1 Cabe merah besar, iris tipis
1 Cabe merah hijau, iris tipis
1 Cm lengkuas, iris koin
2 Daun salam
5 Cabe rawit
Kecap manis
Saos tiram

Instructions :

Tumis brambang, kedua bawang sampai harum, masukkan lengkuas dan daun salam.
Tambahkan semua cabe, icip dengan garam, gula, kecap manis dan saos tiram.
Masukkan jamur, aduk sampai layu.

Well, not really bad for a starving girl like me that time, hahaha :D

...to be continued...


Anonymous said...

cieeeeeeehh.. dah lama ga update.. sekalinya langsung aneka resep.. kayaknya enak tuh.. bawa donk lisa ke kantorrr.. ya ya yaaaaa... hehee...

LisaDidien said...

hahaha...lg coba2 yang gampang aja kok, Bu Jojon...gak lihai aku, rasanya biasa aja,hahaha...malu dibawa ke kantor, wong gak yummy,hehehe...mending pesen ke istri pak budi,hahaha :p