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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Go Abroad: The Experience of Making Passport ( 1 )

This year, I will have the experience to go abroad. My sister in Berlin, Germany, asked me to go with our parents to visit her and my brother in law (they pay for me,hehehe). I haven't go abroad. So, the first step to take is making passport.

We make passport in Imigration Office. Actually, based in information there, we can start to apply by online way. But I chose to apply by going directly to the office. I live in Bogor, West Java. So, I went to Imigration Office in Bogor.

The steps to make passport:

1) Go to the imigration office to buy the application folder (the price is 15,000 Rupiah) plus get the application
form. Fill the form at home and prepare some documents.

2) The documents to prepare (original and copy documents)
  • Family card (Kartu Keluarga)
  • Identification card as Indonesian Resident (Kartu Tanda Penduduk)
  • Birth Certificate (Akte Kelahiran) or/and Education Certificates (both of them is better)
  • If you've already worked in a company, don't forget to enclose the letter which explain you as the employee of  the company where you work.
PS: I got the information that passport can be made in all area in Indonesia but the important one is the place where you live as the data in Family Card and Identification Card as Indonesian Resident is the same one.

3) Then if the documents are complete, go back and collect them to the imigration office. It's better if you go there before 8.00 am so you can get the beginning numbers in queue. I came at 7.45 am and I got the 4th turn in queue.

4) After you collect it and the officer says that it's complete, she/he will give you a paper that tells you when you must be back to do the interview, take the photo of you, and pay the administration process (the price is 255,000 Rupiah).

B. 2nd: The interview process.
5) For days after you collect the documents, you will do the the interview, take the photo of you, and pay the administration process. If you wanna get the beginning number in queue, you should come at about at least 7.00 am. My sister got the 8th turn in queue. I came at 8.45 am and I got the 689th turn in queue!

6) After this second process, the officer will give you the paper to take the passport. It's about 4 days after the interview part.

C. 3nd: Well done: get the passport! :)
7) Passport can be taken at 13.00 pm - 15.00 pm. I came at 1.00 pm so I can get it as fast as I can :p. It takes few minutes to wait the officer preparing our passport, maybe about 20 minutes. Then, they start to call your name to take the passport. He/she will ask you to make a copy of the passport (the first and last pages which contains our data) and make signature in a book as the proof that you've already taken the passport.

  • Time: it takes 8 days (It doesn't include Saturday and Sunday).
  • Fee: prepare 270,000 Rupiah.
 It's not really difficult, right? Good luck and veel plezier! :)


Anonymous said...

ribetz ya booo...
tp, nice info nih.. sapa tau aja ada yg ngajakin gw ke luar negeri.. kapan yak..hhahahahaa..

btw, lisaaaa bsk hati2 yaaa, salam buat keluarga n sukses buat *sensor*

okeh okehhh.. jangan lupa balik lagi ke OZ.. hahahahahahaha

han said...

tergantung wilayah imigrasinya kaliiii .... beneran cuma 27orb?

best regards

LisaDidien said...

hallo Han...

Untuk pengurusan paspor yang saya lakukan di bogor (dan kurasa mungkin sama atau hampir sama di daerah lain di Indonesia), aku mengeluarkan uang 270 ribu rupiah. Mungkin, kalo visa, beda2 jumlah uang yang harus dikeluarkan sesuai negara tujuan. Kalau pengurusan visa di Kedutaan Jerman, uang yang harus kita sediakan adalah sekitar 800 ribu rupiah (seingatku sejumlah itu,hehe)

So, mungkin yang Han maksud adalah visa ya.... :)