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Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Tuesday, November 30, 2010 0 Comments
One, two, three...
Let's get free
Ours will release you and me
As we want to be

Hold on each other ever after
Share the smile and the tears
Fight the fears
Catch the laughter

As we go on this way
As we are close to see everything
We just can't throw it away
There is none so exciting as this thing

Bogor, December 1st, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Our Story

Monday, November 22, 2010 0 Comments
The morning comes with rain outside
I'm travelling with you in my mind
You are so kind
I always feel you inside

I offer you the view in my eyes
Then you can see the feeling that I can't hide
There's no lies
Just smile through the tide

We meet the distance
A friend that we can't avoid
Well, we still have a consistence
A strength with no void
Have you found it now?
The best part of my days is you
It's wonderful somehow!
Let me say forever that it's you... 

Bogor, November 23rd, 2010
..a morning with your smile in my mind....

Monday, November 15, 2010

Turkish and Dutch

Monday, November 15, 2010 0 Comments
It's about my weekend two weeks ago.
It's Jakarta again! hahaha...but this time, I did plan my weekend in Jakarta because I wanted to watch some movies on Eurpean One Screen (EOS)

What is Europe On Screen?
I think it's one Europe event in Indonesia of film screenings and fringe events.
I was interested in watching the movies. Before, I had read the schedules so I knew what were all the movies that I could watch on Sunday, September 7th, 2010. I and my friend chose a Turkey movie which would be played in Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto 117, Menteng, Jakarta. This is the movie:

It's a story about the  love between a woman and a deaf man. Actually, it's an interesting story, but unfortunately, there's a problem technically, so there's no English subtitles on the screen. That made the moviegoer felt dissapointed and left the room. I and my friend also felt dissapointed but we chose to stay although we actually didn't understand the Turkish in the movie...we were just guessing what was happened in the movie from the body language,hehehe.

After the movie was ended, I and my friend went to pray Dhuhur in Masjid Sunda Kelapa. It's a big masjid and it's the first time for me to go to this masjid.

Next, we decided to watch another movie from Netherland which was also played in Istituto Italiano di Cultura. This is the movie :

This is a documentary movie. The director, John Appel, was telling us about his father who was a successful gambler. I found it as an interesting movie. I tried to listen carefully to the Dutch they spoke in the movie but for me, it was a difficult language. Well, I need to have a strong will to learn this language and I know I can do this,hehehe.

well, what's my plan next week?just wait :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tempe and Mushroom

Saturday, November 06, 2010 2 Comments
I'm not good at cooking...at least I've tried,hehehe..

So, in this weekend, I tried to make an easy recipe that I got from the internet. It's called Sambal Goreng Tempe (one of recipes that I got from internet few years ago) and Oseng-Oseng Jamur (took a look at Nana's).

This is Sambal Goreng Tempe:

This is the recipe of Oseng-Oseng Jamur (Stir Fried Mushroom):

Ingredients :
Button Mushroom (but I used the Oyster Mushroom ,hehehe), thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
Some onions :
3 cloves red onion (bawang merah), thinly sliced
1 bulb yellow onion (bawang bombay).sliced thin diagonally
1 Cabe merah besar, iris tipis
1 Cabe merah hijau, iris tipis
1 Cm lengkuas, iris koin
2 Daun salam
5 Cabe rawit
Kecap manis
Saos tiram

Instructions :

Tumis brambang, kedua bawang sampai harum, masukkan lengkuas dan daun salam.
Tambahkan semua cabe, icip dengan garam, gula, kecap manis dan saos tiram.
Masukkan jamur, aduk sampai layu.

Well, not really bad for a starving girl like me that time, hahaha :D

...to be continued...

Friday, November 5, 2010

It Almost Kills Me Anyway

Friday, November 05, 2010 0 Comments
"How much do you want me? do you really want me to stay? do you really try to reach me?"

 Is it too much or a normal question when your one is not around because of busy time?

He's miles away but deep down in my heart, I just want him around by an effort to stay connecting.