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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Why am I still alone?

Tuesday, November 06, 2012 0 Comments


Sudirman Station, Jakarta, was not really crowded on Saturday, November 3rd, 2012, around 11.30 am. I just arrived then asked some people there  to get a bus, namely Kopaja P19, a public transportation to M.H Tamrin Road. Sarinah Building was the place that I wanted to go to. There would be a free talkshow about an interesting topic: “Why am I still alone?”.

      It’s a sensitive issue, isn’t it? Nowadayas, those are many people who have this condition and it often become complicated point when people in ages which commonly are ready to get married but they haven’t got a clue who is the one to grow old together.  So, they take many ways to learn about this condition to prepare themselves to meet the right one soon, InsyaAllah. This talkshow was one of the way.

      When I arrived at 14th floor of Sarinah Building, though I was late about 15 minutes, the show hadn’t started yet. A band of young men performed on the stage.
Around 14.00 pm, the talkshow was started by the host, named Andra Donata, a man with glasses,has average tall and bright skin, also humorous. Then, few minutes after the host started the show, the figure of Mr. Indra Noveldy came out to give and to share about the topic. He’s the star of the show.
From Mr. Indra Noveldy, the participants of the talkshow (includes I and two friends of mine) got many new knowledge and advice of  this topic. Let me share it here for all single women and men.

      As single persons, do you know what we should do as  efforts to find the right one to grow old together?
-       1.   Write down criterias that we want from the one who will be our soulmate.
      Brave to do this first step is a sign we really know that we are precious to be chosen by the best person. We must think the long term -for a lifetime- criterias, as we want to marry someone for a lifetime. Don’t put some criterias that can be expired in short time. The short term criterias are usually about stuffs of phisycs as main priorities.
-       2.  Bibit bebet bobot 
    It’s about the background of someone,in example the family of someone that can create   someone with his/her quality.
-       3.  Prevention is better than cure.
     It means that single person must quite carefully choose the right one. An interview methode  can be done as a way to select the right one. To get ‘bitter’  now is better than later.
-       4.   Get yourself upgraded.
      A single person must know how to make himself/herself better for every single day and it’s a lifetime process.
-        5.  Make ourselves worth to be chosen.
      A single person must know how to improve his/her quality so he/she is worth to be chosen by a good woman/man.
-        6.  In every process, don’t forget to ask Allah to get involved.
    The last thing but the most important one, single persons must realize that they are just humanbeing so they must sincerely ask Allah who has power and decision upon us.

In addition, there are some important notes:
  •   After writing down the criterias, try to check those points again and ask ourselves: Am I really sure that I can live happily with a person who has those criterias?if not in some points, we can change the criterias. If we are sure, the the next question: do the person who has those criterias has the same feeling with us?
  • Choose someone who wants to grow, who wants to struggle, who wants to do efforts  to be better person!
  • Create yourself as a person who can be really wanted by them, who really search for a lifetime partner in marriage. Let the world see that you are shinning! Write on your mind: everyone who will my soulmate later is the luckiest man/woman.
  • The concept of ‘accept me just the way I am’ can be the virus in marriage life. We should see ourselves the way we are, then try to be better person...don’t ask other to accept us the way we are.
  • Say that it’s not the way to find the right one by searching the best soulmate, partner for marriage, but try to be the best soulmate, life partner in marriage for someone who will be your right one. Improve your qualities to be chosen as the best person!
You may walk alone now on the path. It’s difficult sometimes but keep the faith that in the end of this path, there’s the best person who is waiting to meet you. Allah has great wonderful plan for you. Keep optimist, patient, shining, and tough because in the right time, everything will be beautiful, indeed.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Mijn Dagen in Yogyakarta

Wednesday, August 08, 2012 0 Comments

Vorige maand op 16 juni 2012, ik ben naar Yogyakarta geweest om het huwelijk van mijn beste vriendin bij te wonen. Ik kwam op 14 juni 2012 morgen op Yogyakarta aan, twee dagen vroeger dus ik naar veel interessante plaatsen kon bezoeken.    

The eerste dag, ik ontbeet Gudeg. Ik hou van Gudeg. Het is zo lekker. Dan ging ik naar mijn vriendins woning om vier dagen te logeren. Mijn vriendin en ik zou naar de Ratu Boko Tempel bezoen dan zou we naar de Prambanan Tempel om Ramayanan Ballet te kijken.

De Ratu Boko Tempel ligt op Klaten, niet ver van de Prambanan Tempel.  Als mijn eerste keer, vond ik dat de tempel niet zo groot maar ik ook vond dat de atmosfeer romantisch en rustig zijn.  De zonsondergang is zo mooi. Daarna ging we naar de Prambanan Tempel om het Ramayana Ballet te kijken. We waren gelukkig omdat een vriend die in een reisagent werkt twee tickets gratis gaven. Het ballet duurde twee uur.  De danseressen dansten leuk en mooi. We genooten van de show.

De tweede dag ging mijn vriendin en ik naar Malioboro street. Er zijn veel nieuwe kuntswerken, soort van standbeelden, nast Gedung Agung, het paleis van presiden. We namen een paar foto’s met de kunstwerken. Dan ging ik naar Rumah Pohon.  Het is een uniek restaurant omdat dit restaurant wordt van bamboes gebouwd. s’ Avonds woonden mijn vrienden en ik bij onze beste vriendin ceremonie called midodaren.

De volgende dag middag woonden we naar het huwelijk in de kerk bij. s’ Avonds woonden we naar het feest. Veel mensen waren daar. We ontmoetten oude vrienden van universiteit.
The vierde dag morgen gingen mijn vriendinnen en ik naar trein station omdat we naar jakarta zouden teruggaan. Ik had prachtige dagen in Yogyakarta.

One Difficulties, Two Easiness

Wednesday, August 08, 2012 0 Comments
I was here....and now I am here again....

I am sitting alone in a garden, on an old bench. It rained before I sit here. There are traces of it. First, the wet soil and I can smell it. Another trace are drops of water on leaves, blooming flowers. I look up to the sky....I see sun and rainbow! I am amazed! two beauty after rain. The sunshine on my skin is so warm and delightful. Geourgeous! 

Then, I look down again and see the plans infront of me. Those three are the same plants but one has no flower, and two others have blooming flowers: red roses. 

The first one was having blooming red roses in the past...but now, it has no flower at all. I feel so sad. Sorrow goes inside my heart. I try hard to be tough, though it's so hard but I know I can do that because God embraces me. 
Other two have blooming red roses. They spread happines inside my heart and share beauty to my sight. 

"Oh, time goes so fast...nothing is eternal...", I said to myself. Few moment afterward, I find myself in silence.
I just pray that I will catch all the beauty and happines soon. It can be from the first one that will have blooming red roses again, or the two other that will have many more red roses.

I am ready for all the possibilities because I've already been here sincerely. I put all my trust to God and accept the destiny.

I smile and say to myself, "I am the happiest girl in the world :)"

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ted van Lieshouts Woordjes

Thursday, June 21, 2012 0 Comments
Spreekt het uit en ik kan het niet vangen.
Wel vangen misschien, maar niet mijn hand open.

Doen en zien wat het is, of het bewaren
in een glazen pot, in een dos vol geheimen, in een boek platslaan en laten dragen

Ik ken de letters waaruit het word 
is opgebouwd en schrijven kan ik
het duizend keer, en lezen.
Maar nog komt liefde niet los van papier.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Ruang Terbuka Wadah Kreatifitas

Monday, May 14, 2012 4 Comments

Sebagai seseorang yang tumbuh di daerah perkotaan, saya sering merasakan sebuah kebutuhan akan ruang dalam perkotaan untuk ‘menenangkan’ diri dari rutinitas sehari-hari. Saya memimpikan ruang terbuka publik (public open space), yaitu sebuah ruang terbuka yang dapat digunakan setiap orang untuk berinteraksi sosial.[1][2] Sayangnya di kota-kota di Indonesia, secara umum, belum menyadari pentingnya keberadaan ruang terbuka publik sehingga keberadaannya, secara kuantitas, masih tidak sebanding dengan luas area sebuah perkotaan, atau secara kualitas, masih didesain ‘seadanya’.

Taman Kencana di Bogor, Indonesia, yang dibiarkan 'seadanya'
Ingatan saya, tiba-tiba berkelana ke masa lalu. Hmm, bukankah tata kota di Indonesia tidak lepas dari keberadaan Belanda dahulu yang membawa konsep Garden City ke nusantara? Konsep ini pada umumnya diterapkan pada pembangunan kota yang baru ‘Nieuwe Wijk’ , antara lain di kawasan Menteng dan Gondangdia di Jakarta, Kota Baru di Yogyakarta,  dan Bandung Utara.[3]

Lalu, saya bertanya-tanya, bagaimanakah pemenuhan ruang terbuka publik di Negara Kincir Angin saat ini? Dari internet, saya mengetahui bahwa Belanda menerapkan desain ruang terbuka publik beserta elemen-elemennya secara kreatif, dengan selalu berusaha menciptakan inovasi-inovasi dalam desain ruang terbuka publik.
Kreatif adalah karakteristik mental untuk berpikir ‘outside the box’ dengan pendekatan yang inovatif/berbeda, baru, dan bernilai tertentu, untuk mengatasi masalah, berkomunikasi dengan orang lain, dan bersifat menghibur.[4] 


Mari kita berkunjung ke kota Eindhoven, Belanda untuk melihat beberapa contoh  kreatifitas Belanda dalam desain ruang terbuka publik :

       A.   FreeStreet, Lampu LED Phillip  

FreeStreet, the floating lighting, inovasi lampu jalan LED  Phillip

Atmosfer hangat di Catharinaplein, Eindhoven

FreeStreet adalah sebuah inovasi street lighting dalam bentuk floating lighting di Catharinaplein, Eindhoven. Keuntungannya adalah penggunaan tiang-tiang lampu menjadi minimal sehingga memungkinkan penambahan ruang untuk pejalan kaki dan pengendara sepeda. Cahaya lampu yang dihasilkan memberikan atmosfer hangat di senja hari.[5]

       B.  Lampu jalan ‘Close-to-Nature’.

Lampu gantung spotlight 'Close-to-Nature'

Suasana jalan dengan pencahayaan lampu 'Close-to-Nature'

Lampu gantung spotlight yang diciptakan sebagai usaha pendekatan ke arah kota Eindhoven yang lebih hijau dan ramah lingkungan. Dedaunan dengan sulur-sulur yang tumbuh merambat di bagian luar lampu menjadi shading yang spektakuler bagi lampu yang ada di dalamnya.[6]

             C. Tempat duduk berbentuk tulip di area publik.

Aplikasi 'Tulpi' di open public space

Tempat duduk yang menerima penghargaan The Special Prize for The Most Original Design dalam The Dutch Design Week di Eindhoven, Belanda, diciptakan oleh Marco Manders. The Tulpi Chair didesain ergonomis sehingga sangat nyaman. ‘Tulpi’ bisa diputar 360 derajat sehingga bisa mengikuti lintasan matahari. Ketika Anda berdiri, ‘Tulpi’ menutup sendiri secara otomatis sehingga permukaannya selalu kering dan bersih.[7]
              D. Mathildeplein

View Mathildeplein dari atas

Ruang terbuka publik yang terletak di pusat kota Eindhoven yang penuh kesibukan ini didesain oleh perusahaan lansekap arsitektur Buro Lubbers, dengan view optimal ke arah The Light Tower.  Kesatuan desain dengan konsep garis-garis kaku nan kreatif, ada pada bentuk dan material yang konsisten: paving abu-abu, planter baja, bangku kayu, dan bicycle stands di antara planter-planter tersebut.[8]

Saya percaya bahwa kreatifitas-kreatifitas dalam fasilitas ruang terbuka publik akan semakin menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan kreatifitas-kreatifitas tiap individu di Belanda. Berangkat dari kepedulian, tumbuhlah kreatifitas, lalu terciptalah keseimbangan hidup.

Tidak mengherankan Negara Belanda disebutkan sebagai Third Best Country for Work Life Balance [9] dan sebagai The Happiest Nation in The World [10]. Salut buat Belanda yang kreatif. Ayo, semangat! Mari menjadi kreatif :).

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Blue Paradise: Karimunjawa

Sunday, April 08, 2012 0 Comments

It’s about ocean, sand, islands. It’s all mixed together with in the frame of beauty.

It’s one of unforgetable time for me. It was 2 years ago. It’s a holiday to islands called Karimunjawa. These islands are situated on Java Ocean, at the north of Jepara, a town in Central Java, Indonesia. There are 27 islands. 5 of them had people who live in.

I went to Karimunjawa Islands with 5 best friends of mine. Friend of mine already had a man to arrange our trip. The first thing I see was the harbour of  Jepara, a town in north of Central Java, where I took the ship to karimunjawa Islands.

After arriving there, we were picked up by a car. Then I and friends had lunch and drink in one of villager’s house. We stayed there for 3 nights. 

Everyday, we went to the ocean by a small boat. There were some people in a group who also joined the trip and two or three villagers who guided us. Those villagers were really good at diving. It was amazed us that they could dive without any particular things. Even, one of them show me a google he always wear when diving….and it was made of wood and glasses by his own hands. So cool!


We did snorkeling for hours all day long. We could see the terumbu karang in the depth of the ocean. So amazing!
We also did Island Hoping. It means we went from island to another island by boat, then stayed few moments at each island. We visited Menjangan Besar, Menjangan Kecil , Pulau Kecil , Pulau Tengah , Gosong Seloka , Gleyang , Cemara Besar , Cemara Kecil. At one island of them, our guide was letting us watch them to grill the fish with the traditional way, on fire of burned woods. Some of fishes were red and green. After that, we had lunch with rice and grilled fish. Yummy!


Other activity that we did there was swimming with sharks. At the beginning, it’s a bit scary for me but I challenged myself to do that and I did it! Yippie! Although it’s just happened for few moments, I felt glad that they didn’t bite me.

Anyway, as I remember, I saw some beautiful animals here that I used to see in magazine of TV. I really saw Nemo infront of me. We catched it, put it in a plastic glass, then let it go. Of course, I saw many colourful fishes when I was snorkeling. Another unique fish that I saw was ikan buntal. On the white sand of the beach, I found many houses of dead animal (I think they were kind of siput), It had nice flowery shape that made me imagine to make necklace or earings. 

When we were not at the sea, we were hanging around to the neighborhood of the village. There is small field as the centre of the village. This is used as public open space. In the afternoon, they were few warungs of villagers that sold food and drink, in example: bakso, siomay, gorengan, tea, coffee. Villagers and guesses enjoyed their relaxing time there. 

In one morning, we went walking to dermaga to see sunrise then watching the activities of fishermen who just arrived and brought the fish out of the ships. We also watched the interactions between fish sellers with the customers at harbour. In a field near the harbour, we saw some people dried the fish under the sun.

Anyway, do u know what we ate everyday? Fishes as the main menu. Friends found it so boring to have fish everyday. Some of them said they missed other food, in example fried chicken, a lot.

Well, it’s time for me to leave on the fourth day. That day, we were awaked in hurry in the morning because we had to catch the ship to go back to Jepara on time. Good bye, Karimunjawa…keep your natural beauty completely and stay charming with the friendly touch of people there…what a sweet memory!
