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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Go Abroad (3): Singapore, The Clean City

Sunday, November 27, 2011 0 Comments
1st day: November 9th, 2011

We were leaving for Soekarno Hatta Airport by Damri bus from Bogor at 03.45 am I (Indonesian West Jave Time). The flight departed at 05.40 WIB. We arrived at 06.25 in Changi Airport. There, we had several hours to enjoy this awesome airport.
This airport is really clean and cool. The building itself, the facilities, and the interior was so amazing. This building was made with high-technology construction.

From Changi Airport, we took the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) to go to the Lucky Plaza Apartments,at Orchard Rd. I think It took half an hour to get there. Arriving at Lucky Plaza, we had lunch in the food mall at basement floor. There were some choices of food stall. For moslem, make sure that the stall has halal certificate. First day, I had japanese food called...hmm...I think it's Beef Teriyaki,hehe. Nice but I gave 2 stars of 5 stars for the taste. After having lunch, we went upstairs to our apartment. Our room wasn't ready, so we were waiting for about an hour.Then, after the room was ready, we took a nap.

In the evening, we go to IKEA store in Alexandra. We took the EW (East West line) MRT to the Queenstown, and then took the bus, hmm...in my memory it's bus 195, At IKEA, I can see many nice furnitures and some other stuffs for home. Walking around the store, I imagine to have a nice home with warm sweet interior to live in with mas cintaku and our kids in the future.

We went back to the apartment by bus and having dinner at food mall in basement floor. I had a kind of soup that night :)

2nd day: November 10th, 2011

1. Clarke Quay


2. Vivo City, Harbour Front

3. Dhoby Ghaut Green

4. Brass Basah
5. Mustafa

3rd day: November 11th, 2011

1. Hot Park

2. Alexandra Arch Bridge

3. China Town

4. On the way to Marina Bay Sand from China Town

5. Marina Bay Sands

          Merlion Park


            The Helix Bridge 

             The Shoppes


            Wonder Full

4th day: November 12th, 2011
1. Bugis Street

2. Kampung Glam
        Masjid Sultan

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Be Here

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 0 Comments
I am here now....

Finnally God gives me a chance to feel it.
How this thing grows well in my land of life.

I see the nature as a wonderful scene but I often see it also as a muddy one.
I was a bit surprised that someone can make me heel erg strong but he also can make me heel erg weak more than once
I was shocked that I could stay up till dawn, feel sad when missing him, feel bad when cannot feel the passionate flame inside him.

Yes, it's distance that speaks a lot here many times, so I can't feel him inside. But, still, I can't deny that distance can't stop me to feel him inside me.

When love speaks loudly, I can hold on with my smile...
While love is in silence, what can  I do to hold this tears?
Will u do anything for me to keep the sunshine and stop the rain?

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Sunday, October 02, 2011 0 Comments
Time goes so fast
Nothing can't change the past
This present time is a start to my future
Incredible one, I'm sure...

Oh, how strong my willing to be on my way
I don't wanna be here too long
No reason to stay
I want to sing my own song

Oh, is that u that I wait for all of my life?
Take me soon
Let me be your wife
Then we kiss under the moon

Hope I'll be on my way
I should move my feet
Efforts are something to pay
Prayer to do then we can meet

It starts from now...
Come on, dont't go too slow...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Een Jaar: Dat is Klopt!

Monday, August 29, 2011 0 Comments
Een jaar ago...
I've found you as you are
Now, I love you exactly just the way you are
Don't let me go

Een jaar ago...
I've found you and me as different persons
Now, I still like us exactly as different persons
The difference is we know how to place each other ego

How do you like the way we share smiles and tears?
For me, it's learning process to grow together
A tough way to defeat the fears
Well, you can frame it all as the sweetest things ever

Mijn schatje...
Will you always maintain patiently our deep intention?
To go through our long way of life to our destination
I believe in you, mijn schatje.....

Mijn lieverd, we've already got the rhytm and tone
Since then, we are never alone
It's all about loving and taking care each other
Mijn lieverd, may we walk further....

Monday, August 1, 2011

Go Abroad: I Love Berlin (2)

Monday, August 01, 2011 0 Comments

Since long time ago, I have a dream to travel around the world. Well, maybe it's too much but at least, I've been abroad now,hehe.

Berlin is the first city in Europe that I visited. I'm lucky one because parents asked me to go with them visiting my sister. My parents were there for 5 weeks but I and my sister were there for only 2 weeks.

I found many interesting and wonderful things when I was staying in Berlin. I found Berlin as clean city with good sistematic transportation. I enjoyed going to one spot to another spot with U-Bahnhof, S-Bahnhof, tramp, or bus (sometimes) as public transportation. It's so different from Indonesia. I almost haven't found those public transportation was so full with persons inside,hehe. I saw many great buildings here, public facilities, signages, and street furnitures in all streets. I experienced to walk a lot among people in fast way. I wasn't used to, but I tried to enjoy it. 

I visited some places here for two weeks: 

15 May 2011: Bradenburger Tor, Reichstag, World Clock, East Side Gallery, & Potsdamer  Plat
Left to right: Bradenburger Tor, Reichstag

Left to Right: World Clock, East Side Gallery

Let to Right: Potsdamer  Plat

 21 May 2011: Mama Yes, Prenzlauerberg

 Rice Queen Restaurant 

Rice Queen Restaurant (find delicious Indonesian food here! hehe)

 Touring on Spree River by Boat  

Beautiful Spree River!

22 May 2011: Luisenplatz, Park Sanssouci, historische Mühle, Hollandische Viertel, Potsdam 
Left to Right: Welcome Gate in Potsdam, Park Sanssouci (Postdam)

Hollandische Viertel (Potsdam)

    Well, although I enjoyed being in Berlin, the adaptation needed to the weather. It's cold there. Even when the sunshined, we could feel the cool wind touched our skin. Our skin became dry! This condition made my parents could stand to say "We wanna go home!",hehehe. Next time, we need to bring something i.e. a kind of cosmetique for skin, especially for face, that could solve our dry skin.

    For all those things, the most special thing is that I finally met my love face to face here. Really miss that moment, hope we meet soon...love and miss him.

    Fantastic journey! thanx to my family :)
    So, I'm looking forward to going abroad next time in my future. It's gonna be more amazing journey :).

    Wednesday, June 15, 2011

    Senyuman di Seluruh Penjuru Belanda

    Wednesday, June 15, 2011 0 Comments
    Ibu dan anak belanda
    Sepasang anak Belanda
    Anak-anak Belanda tersenyum ceria

    Mari berbicara tentang kebahagiaan. Seluruh manusia di dunia pastilah ingin hidup bahagia dan setiap orang memiliki pandangan tersendiri dalam memaknai kebahagiaan.
    Lalu, marilah berbicara tentang Negara Belanda. Memori saya, sebagai orang Indonesia (yang belum pernah kesana), langsung menampilkan bangunan-bangunan indis di Indonesia, konser-konser jazz dan musik pop di Pusat Kebudayaan Indonesia-Belanda yang dahulu kerap saya tonton, keju yang yummy banget bagi saya, dan bunga-bunga tulip yang hanya saya lihat di sebuah poster di kantor saya. Juga tentu saja, sepatu kayu dan kincir angin!

    Kenapa saya membicarakan kedua hal di atas? Kebahagiaan dan Negara Belanda berkaitan erat satu sama lain. Berdasarkan sebuah survei di tahun 2011, Belanda mendapat peringkat pertama sebagai negara yang paling bahagia di dunia dan anak-anak negeri kincir angin ini adalah yang terbahagia di Eropa. Hmm, ternyata para orang tua dan masyarakat telah menyadari pentingnya kebahagiaan dan mengupayakannya kepada putra - putri mereka semenjak masa kanak-kanak.

    Apa sih yang membuat anak-anak Belanda ini menjadi anak-anak paling bahagia di Eropa? Karena penasaran, saya pun mencari tahu. Well, these are the factors ;).

    Secara ekonomi, Belanda adalah negara kaya. Memang uang bukan segala-segalanya tapi tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa dengan uang, manusia bisa mendapatkan hal-hal untuk meraih kebahagiaan.

    Bagaimana dengan pendidikan? Anak-anak memperoleh pendidikan pertama kali dari keluarga. Mereka lahir dan dibesarkan di lingkungan keluarga. Menyadari hal ini, para ibu di Belanda berusaha memberikan banyak waktu untuk merawat anak-anak mereka semenjak lahir, sementara para ayah bekerja keras untuk mencari nafkah. Ibu-ibu yang bekerja, segera mengambil cuti yang sangat panjang. Selain itu, jam bekerja di Belanda lebih pendek dibandingkan negara-negara di Eropa lainnya. Pendidikan formal di sekolah juga memberikan fasilitas-fasilitas dan mengadakan kegiatan-kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang dapat mengasah kreativitas anak-anak. Pihak media, khususnya televisi, juga tak mau ketinggalan. Mereka menayangkan acara-acara khusus bagi anak-anak Belanda.

    Dalam hal kesehatan, berdasarkan sebuah data di tahun 2009, Belanda memiliki sistem perawatan kesehatan yang terbaik di Eropa. Dengan demikian, kesehatan anak-anak Belanda pastilah terjamin. Antusiasme yang tinggi untuk berolahraga, contohnya sepak bola, seni bela diri, juga kebiasaan bersepeda, membuat mereka sehat, bugar, dan bahagia.

    Anak-anak Belanda bersepeda

    Hal lainnya adalah hubungan mereka dengan orang tua, saudara-saudara, teman-teman, dan masyarakat sekitarnya. Dalam sebuah keluarga Belanda, hubungan anak-anak dan orang tua, dilandasi oleh keterbukaan dan sifat komunikatif sehingga mereka bisa saling berbicara tentang apapun. Namun, orang tua tetap menanamkan kedisiplinan.

    Dalam pergaulan dengan teman-teman dan masyarakat, tidak ada tekanan-tekanan sosial yang mengharuskan mereka untuk menjadi apa yang masyarakat inginkan. Secara fisik, beberapa fasilitas publik seperti restoran, toko-toko retail, menyediakan space bermain bagi anak-anak.
    Nah, apa yang saya sebutkan di atas, tentu saja menumbuhkan rasa kebahagiaan bagi anak-anak Belanda. Mereka memiliki pemikiran positif bahwa mereka bisa menjadi diri sendiri, bebas berkreatifitas, dan memiliki keyakinan akan karir yang bagus di masa depan.

    Tidak heran jika Belanda menjadi negara maju yang penuh kenyamanan. Semuanya berawal dari kesadaran para orang tua, masyarakat, dan pemerintah untuk mengupayakan kebahagiaan sejak masa kanak-kanak. Kebahagiaan membuat manusia tersenyum. Sekarang saya membayangkan berada di Belanda dan menikmati ‘senyuman-senyuman’ di setiap sudut negara ini.

    Thursday, April 21, 2011

    Go Abroad: The Experience of Making Passport ( 1 )

    Thursday, April 21, 2011 3 Comments
    This year, I will have the experience to go abroad. My sister in Berlin, Germany, asked me to go with our parents to visit her and my brother in law (they pay for me,hehehe). I haven't go abroad. So, the first step to take is making passport.

    We make passport in Imigration Office. Actually, based in information there, we can start to apply by online way. But I chose to apply by going directly to the office. I live in Bogor, West Java. So, I went to Imigration Office in Bogor.

    The steps to make passport:

    1) Go to the imigration office to buy the application folder (the price is 15,000 Rupiah) plus get the application
    form. Fill the form at home and prepare some documents.

    2) The documents to prepare (original and copy documents)
    • Family card (Kartu Keluarga)
    • Identification card as Indonesian Resident (Kartu Tanda Penduduk)
    • Birth Certificate (Akte Kelahiran) or/and Education Certificates (both of them is better)
    • If you've already worked in a company, don't forget to enclose the letter which explain you as the employee of  the company where you work.
    PS: I got the information that passport can be made in all area in Indonesia but the important one is the place where you live as the data in Family Card and Identification Card as Indonesian Resident is the same one.

    3) Then if the documents are complete, go back and collect them to the imigration office. It's better if you go there before 8.00 am so you can get the beginning numbers in queue. I came at 7.45 am and I got the 4th turn in queue.

    4) After you collect it and the officer says that it's complete, she/he will give you a paper that tells you when you must be back to do the interview, take the photo of you, and pay the administration process (the price is 255,000 Rupiah).

    B. 2nd: The interview process.
    5) For days after you collect the documents, you will do the the interview, take the photo of you, and pay the administration process. If you wanna get the beginning number in queue, you should come at about at least 7.00 am. My sister got the 8th turn in queue. I came at 8.45 am and I got the 689th turn in queue!

    6) After this second process, the officer will give you the paper to take the passport. It's about 4 days after the interview part.

    C. 3nd: Well done: get the passport! :)
    7) Passport can be taken at 13.00 pm - 15.00 pm. I came at 1.00 pm so I can get it as fast as I can :p. It takes few minutes to wait the officer preparing our passport, maybe about 20 minutes. Then, they start to call your name to take the passport. He/she will ask you to make a copy of the passport (the first and last pages which contains our data) and make signature in a book as the proof that you've already taken the passport.

    • Time: it takes 8 days (It doesn't include Saturday and Sunday).
    • Fee: prepare 270,000 Rupiah.
     It's not really difficult, right? Good luck and veel plezier! :)

    Sunday, April 3, 2011

    Zevende: What A Romance!

    Sunday, April 03, 2011 2 Comments
    I am here, in the romance episode of my life.

    I met a boy, so young and innocent. He has nice smile and good looking appearance.
    We fall in love in the first sight, through the screen.

    I can't forget the feeling that time, the most wonderful feeling that I've ever had!

    1st and 2nd: He cared for me a lot, gave me time to talk each other before he slept. Then, I could slept well everyday.

    3rd: he had a problem then it made him talked a lot about the bad things inside him. This time, we could say that we still love and tried to hold on each other.

    7th: Now..I don't know what will be...

    I can't sleep and I cried a lot...

    Sunday, March 13, 2011


    Sunday, March 13, 2011 0 Comments
    I just need time

    to spend good times with you
    to see you give me more attention
    to feel you within my heart
    to erase all this loneliness

    you don't know exactly what time is...
    until you realize that time is so important
    until you can make time for me
    until you can sacrifice your time for me

    then time will speak to us
    we just need time to speak each other from our hearts...

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

    C . A . R . E

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011 0 Comments
    Conviction...to be kept

    Affection...to be grown

    Reaction...to be shown

    Enthusiasm...to be felt

    ~ Dien's ~
    Bogor, Woensdag, 16 Februari 2011

    Tuesday, February 15, 2011

    A Point of Silence

    Tuesday, February 15, 2011 0 Comments
    Sweet, then tastes a bit bitter
    Half, then seems almost empty
    Near, then looks a kind of further
    A hundred, then sounds to be twenty

    Don't give me a rose
    If I can't smell it with my nose
    Don't say it's a smile
    If I just can see it for a while

    These sentences are unspoken
    It's your deal
    Don't say it will be broken
    Find and reach me for real

     ~ Dien's ~
    Bogor, February 14,2011

    Ik Mis Je Lievert...

    Tuesday, February 15, 2011 0 Comments
    The third week...

    I don't know what is happened to me but it so tortures.
    I feel like dying sometimes. Oh, forgive me for being like this.
    I can't sleep at night and do cry before I sleep...
    I wish he could feel what I feel..will he care for it?

    I feels him so faraway....
    I can't contact him all days.
    I need to connected him more and more.
    When will he convince me with all his heart?

    I imagine... 
    He sends me messages in his break time at office, asking me, "how are you doing, what are you doing?'
    He sends me message when he goes home...
    He sends me messages to asking me a "welterusten" or a bit sweet talk, even just for few minutes before he goes sleep.
    He remember me all day...

    I feel hopeless
    I need him to convince me
    To reach me to his heart
    I wish he knew all my thought

    He's too busy with his life and also feel so tired
    He just need his life
    I'm just an invisible old woman 
    whatever...am I too demanding?

    ~ Diens ~
    Bogor, February 15th, 2011
    At my lonely night

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    To Be

    Friday, February 11, 2011 0 Comments
    To listen to all my happiness and sadness
    To wipe away my tears then pain a smile on my face
    To throw away my loneliness then bring me a bunch of joy
    To kill the pain inside then take care of me without any pill to take

    To share all your happiness and sadness
    To take my hands for wiping away your tears then pain a smile on your face
    To give me a chance for throwing away your loneliness then bring you a bunch of joy
    To let me kill your pain inside then take care of you without any pill to take

    To hold hands each other while we're walking together on the road of life
    To stare at each other when we face the hardest time on the process of growing

    To be here then stay not for a while...sincerely
    To be honest, I need you...badly...

    Bogor, February 12th, 2011
    2. 20 am

    Thursday, February 3, 2011

    Rindu, Rindu, Rindu

    Thursday, February 03, 2011 0 Comments

    Rindu membiru
    Hampir seminggu
    Aku menunggu
    Rindu pun menderu

    Rindu mengiris
    Senyum pun terkikis
    Sendu tak mampu kutangkis
    Sepi tiada menipis

    Rindu membara
    Seiring cinta yang menggelora
    Terselip lara
    Rindu tiada bermuara

    Aku rindu kamu...

    In my silent night,
    Bogor, Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

    Thursday, January 20, 2011

    A Bitter Yesterday

    Thursday, January 20, 2011 0 Comments

     Here she comes....a young woman, a best friend of mine.
    In a bitter look of her tired eyes, I discover her story. It's about her yesterday.

    I ask her, "What's wrong?"
    She answered in a weak voice, "I don't like my yesterday. I found that my man was too busy and I didn't hear anything from him. I need to hear something from him, maybe more than he needs. It's like a different thing in my boring day, a real one which comes from my dream. Reading his words is just like an exciting experience of my days. That's why I became mad when I didn't hear anything from him. I felt the objection for his reason of the busy day. It didn't make sense for me because he had break times. I could only accept that he's really tired, one thing that melted my heart. Well, I just can't do anything except trying to forgive him. Let him to find the way from his heart for me. Sorry to say, seems that I'm too much chasing him..no more begging :p. Perhaps, it sounds like a selfish part of mine. I just wanna say the truth what I felt from my deepest heart, something that I dislike. Actually, It's not about blaming him because I know that he loves me, doesn't he? Hmm...no no no....God is the only one who knows one's heart. Well...I'm just a human, unfortunately I'm a woman. Fortunately, I'm a woman in love..."

    Then, she's looking at me in a calm way for few minutes. It's like that she's trying to say, "It's okay...everything's gonna be alright...".

    Tuesday, January 18, 2011

    A Band and Bandung

    Tuesday, January 18, 2011 1 Comments

    I met a busy weekend! but I enjoyed it although I felt so tired then.

    Saturday, January 15th...
    It's the first experience for me to sing in a wedding ceremony, although it's a small one.
    I sang two old songs: I Started A Joke (Bee Gees) and Why Do You Love Me (Koes Plus). It was an honour for me that a band of Bogor Botanical Garden allowed me to sing in their performance.
    The bad news is I didn't perform excellent but the good thing is I met new persons (most of them were old men :D) so it was really nice.

    Sunday, January 16th....
    The Driver of the travel car was blowing the horn...it's 3.50 am! Oh my God! I didn't hear the alarm....I was awaked in shock! hahaha...
    Without taking a bath, I left the house and just brought a bag with few stuffs. I was on my way to Bandung to visit my best friend, Lina and her family, Dito, the husband and Mare, their cute son.

    Arriving at their home, I saw Lina was so busy as a mom, preparing some food in the kitchen. Dito was holding Mare. Nice family.

    It was the sunny Sunday. They took me to having lunch in a restaurant called WaLe (Warung Leyla). It was a restaurant with ethnical javanese  athmosphere, trying to bring the hommy sense. The restaurant has some kinds of bakso, mie, and rice in the menu. I ordered Yamie Manis and Susu Kedelai. In my opinion, the Yamie tasted good enough.

    After we had finished with the lunch, I went with them to the baby shop and bicycle shop.Lina and Dito wanted to buy a bike for them and one for Mare.I just got a knowledge about the life of young couple with their baby,hehehe.

    Well, time went fast. I must be back to bogor at 6.30 pm. Waiting for the travel car for a half and hour, finally it was here so I felt glad after bored for so long.

    I was arrived at home, Bogor at 11.30 pm then went to bed..

    That's all...my busy nice weekend :)

    Sunday, January 9, 2011

    You and Me (4th Love Song)

    Sunday, January 09, 2011 2 Comments
    From the first moment you stared at me...
    You could show that adorable blue ocean infront of me

    From the second time you smiled at me...
    You could spread  the happines around me

    From the third chance you talked to me
    You could whisper the sweetest music inside of me

    ‘Till the 4th month you touch me...
    You have given the gorgeous you for me

    It’s you and me...

    Aku rindu kamu,
    Aku cinta kamu


    Bogor, December 28th, 2010
     ...on a wonderful day of us...