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Monday, June 14, 2010

Morning Note

Bogor, June 15th, 2010

Yes, I'm still here...in the white morning...fresh with dew outside my room...accompanied by two sweet children of mine, Dudute and Arume...they like sitting at my window, looking at outside...

I got up earlier today at about 3 a.m, before my alarm of my mobile was ringing. When I opened my eyes, there were so many pictures on my mind...the pictures about my desires in my future...so weird...

Everyday, I always asks myself about my plan to reach my better future...to make my dreams come true...but I often feel worried about it...seems too faraway from me.....

Well, now, I just try to believe all the possibilities to get the happiness in my life.

What's that? ;)
Wanna keep questioning?

It's time to make the answers ;)

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